Picking a Ring Insert that Fits and Complements Your Finger

If you are looking to upgrade your Engagement Ring or Anniversary Band, then what could be the better way than buying a Ring Insert. It is one of the best and pocket-friendly way to give a new look to your old looking rings. Ring Insert is designed with additional diamonds and gemstone that accentuate the style and look of your ring.

In today’s blog we will enlighten you on a few important things you should ponder while buying Ring Insert:

1. Style

If you look or search online you’ll find the various styles of Ring Enhancer. One among them is Ring Style. It is one of the popular styles available in a split and double band. In this style of ring enhancer, the center stone or diamond is embellished with other accent small stones and completely encircle the diamond.

2. Shape Matching

Matching the shape is another important consideration. It is important to choose insert shape that complements the shape of your existing ring. Say if you are looking to upgrade your traditionally designed wedding band, then choose the insert that perfectly matches the shape of the solitaire.

3. Metal Type

Choosing the type and color of the metal is completely your choice. Either you go for the same color metal as your wedding band or mix match, but it should complement your skin tone. Make sure that don’t pair two opposite metals like pairing gold with silver can mar the look of your ring. Along with this, you need to look the nature of skin. If you are allergic to specific metal, then avoid metal mixing option. Always select the metal type that is comfortable to your skin.

4. Consider Colored Stones

Usually, people face a kind of dilemma – Is colored stones or Gemstones Ring Insert will accentuate or mar the style of their ring. With regards to this, many renowned designers across the globe clearly state that “wearers don’t have to limit themselves to the diamond.” In fact, the mix of gemstone and diamonds can not only upgrade the look of your old ring efficiently, but it can also accentuate your fingers and draw more attention.

These were the few things or points that you should remember while selecting the ring insert for your Engagement ring or Wedding Band. These tips can help you to acquire the premium-quality Ring Insert without going heavy in your pocket.

from True Romance http://ift.tt/2z898gl

Contour Band – Perfect Way to Make Anniversary Vows

Love is nothing, but a beautiful feeling that is meant to be express. This endless power of love is like a spark in the dark. So, if you want to express your love to your wife, then what could be the best day then your anniversary? This is the day when you can again make promises and commitments to her with an elegant piece of ‘Circle of Trust’ (Ring).

If your partner doesn’t want to remove her engagement ring or wedding band, then worry not. Think to upgrade their wedding band. How?? Contour Band is the answer to your question.

Simply put, Contour Band is a jewelry accessory specially designed to match the contours of your engagement ring or wedding band. Here in this, the band is designed in such a way that the face of the band curves around the bottom side of the center stone of your ring and remaining part remains straight. Therefore, Contouring is the technique that make a wedding band sit flush with an engagement ring perfectly.

Besides upgrading or embellishing your ring, Contour Band ensures you with other amazing benefits including:

  • Look of Your Ring

When you wear Contour Band with your wedding band or engagement ring, this will accentuate the whole style and look of your ring. Thus, it is the perfect way to add a vibe of elegance in a ring without touching its traditional sentiments.

  • Offer Security to Your Ring

Engagement Ring and Wedding Bands are the two most wearable jewelry accessories. As you wear it regularly, so, you might have a habit to spin it on the fingers. This can take away all the Newness and shinning of your ring. The best way to avoid such thing is to make it substantially more secure by adding the Contour Band to it.

  • Customized Option

It is being considered that customized jewelry have more intimate value than a store-bought jewelry. The specialty of contour band is that it can be made in almost any customized style. So, to increase the worth of your engagement & wedding ring, get them custom-fitted with contour band.

Where to find Premium-quality Contour Bands?

Contour Band has reached the pinnacle of popularity in the jewelry world. It has now become a preferred choice for an anniversary gift of various couples. They believe that Contour Band is the perfect way to upgrade their sign of love without hurting its sentimental value.

Get the stunning collection of Contour Band from True Romance.

from True Romance http://ift.tt/2AvhFXP

Tips to Select Ring Enhancer for an Engagement Ring

Ring Enhancers is the perfect jewelry piece that enhances the appeal of a solitaire ring. They are specifically designed by sporting more stones and supporting the ring on each side to festoon your solitaire ring. So, if you are planning to buy a ring enhancer for your engagement ring, then read this blog and take care of the following things when buying a ring enhancer.


How To: Selecting an Enhancer for an Engagement Ring

If your solitaire is looking a little lonely, consider adding an engagement ring enhancer.

Maybe you now find yourself in a position to afford a more substantial ring than you could back when you were a young couple. Maybe your taste has changed over the years, and your simple solitaire feels kind of boring these days. Whatever the reason, you can rest assured there are plenty of ways to update your engagement ring and fall in love with it all over again.

Solitaire engagement ring enhancers are designed to work with your existing ring seamlessly. Together, they’ll end up looking like one single, fabulous ring.


Most people opt for additional diamonds to complement their current solitaire. Typically, you’ll be looking at bands with smaller diamonds but more of them. Of course, the total carat weight will determine how much you spend, and it’s never a bad idea to set a budget prior to jewelry shopping. You don’t have to limit yourself to diamonds either. A combination of both diamonds and colored gemstones will draw even more attention to your enhanced band. By the same token, colored diamonds work well as accessories to a solitaire.


The prevailing opinion seems to be that your enhancer should be the same color metal as your engagement band to produce a coordinated and cohesive effect; however, this isn’t mandatory. After all, you’re the one who will wear it and has to love it. Many women do opt for a mix of yellow and white golds, and the look can be quite striking. Pairing gold and silver, however, doesn’t usually work so well, especially since silver requires more frequent cleaning.

Read full post here: http://ift.tt/2yR4ORU

So, if you are looking for a unique & attractive Ring Enhancer for an Engagement Ring, then we, at True Romance have a wide range of Ring Enhancer. Give us a call at 1800-232-2728.

from True Romance http://ift.tt/2gLXrUI

Rose Gold Engagement Ring: Trending Wedding Jewelry

Along with the happiness and celebration, the wedding brings a lot of preparations with it. The most nerve-racking task included in your trousseau shopping list is finding the perfect Wedding Ring. Choose something chic and classy for your special day to exemplify your true love and commitment.

If we talk about Engagement Ring, Rose Gold Engagement Ring is at the Pinnacle of popularity. The most noticeable feature that it complements every skin tone that accentuates the style of the wearer.


Existence of Rose Gold Ring

The concept of Rose gold came into existence during the rule of the Russian Czars and connoted as a romantic jewelry. It is also known as “Russian Gold”. Later in the 1920s, this piece of jewelry was introduced as part of Trinity Band by the French Jeweler named Cartier. This trinity band comprising 3 Band Ring – Rose Gold, Yellow Gold, and White Gold. Rose gold was reintroduced again in the 1940s, during WWII, when the government banned platinum.

Benefits of Choosing Rose Gold Engagement Ring

The Rose gold ring has become immensely popular among couples. Why? There are various benefits that can entice a buyer to choose Rose Gold Engagement Ring:

  • Durability – Rose gold rings are more tenacious as compared to yellow and white gold in terms of durability.
  • Affordable – If you are looking for buying premium-quality wedding ring without burning a hole in your pocket, then Rose Gold Engagement ring is a perfect choice.
  • Vintage Look – If you love to wear old style or vintage-inspired piece, then, rose gold ring is meant for you. It can not only add a vibe of classiness and elegance to your style, but make it more expressive.
  • Romantic Appealing – As pink color symbolizes the true love and togetherness, so the pink hue of the rose gold engagement ring is the perfect romantic connotation.
  • Complement Skin Tone – Rose gold jewelry complements every skin tone and looks amazing both on warm and cool skin tones.

Rose Gold Engagement Ring Caring & Maintenance

The Rose gold engagement ring requires utmost care and maintenance alike diamond ring. Keep your ring away from hard hits, scratches, and dings because repairing may take a great tool in your pocket.

When it comes to cleaning, you need to be less cautious. Use lukewarm water and gentle soap and rub your ring gently with a soft hand. Followed by this, rinse your ring carefully in clean hot water and thoroughly it with soft cotton cloth.

Now keep your ring open in the air for half an hour to soak the moisture present at the surface of the stone. Finally, store your ring properly in a jewelry box.

Hope this blog can help you to get the detailed insight into the world of Rose Gold jewelry. Explore the exotic collection of Rose Gold Engagement Ring at True Romance.

from True Romance http://ift.tt/2yDOKSL